Day 4/61: ‘One Million Step Challenge For Diabetes UK! ❤️


Hi FitBlitz Friends!!

Yay i actually managed to get me and a bit of the trail in a selfie this morning! 😲 I thought i’ve been taking hundreds of photos whilst on my trail walks…But not one of me on the trail which could lead to you thinking i’m just posting anyones photos, lol! 🤣 I can’t see my iPhone at all so don’t take many selfies, mainly as i’m old and think the camera should be pointing the other way (others come first). 🤣

Please let me know if you like seeing me in the frame with the trail, and i’ll have to start trying to get better at it…Meanwhile here is a normal photo of my trail! 🤣

I managed 8.5 miles today in the hot sun and had no dramas. I was trying to slow down to just over 3 mph but my body just won’t slow…

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About Steve

✞Follower of Christ, Husband, Guitarist, Drummer, Photographer, Health & Fitness advocate....Oh and i'm also Blind too! 😀

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