Thankful Thursday: 5.02 mile walk πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ¦―

Today’s Pond Photo…

Zoom at 2x on my iPhone of the trail pond

Hi Fitblitzers.

Wow, when i stopped my walking workout after today’s figure of 8 lap (same one i walked yesterday for 5.02 miles) i was shocked to hear it was exactly 5.02 miles…Now that’s like i’m walking on rails, lol. I didn’t know i was that exact when i created the figure of 8 trail. 😲 

The start line audio beacon…

My ‘Start Line’ audio beacon

I said yesterday that i’d take a photo of the famous start line audio beacon that has started a few of my charity walking fundraisers! πŸ’ͺ🏼 This where it all happens (well once i’ve walked there from my front door, lol), and this is where i metaphorically turn my cap around (Over the top movie) and get focused on the challenge ahead! 

The Sarah Sunshine bench audio beacon…

This is my Sarah’s Sunshine Bench audio beacon.

I also said yesterday that i labelled some of my audio beacons with the names of people, and obviously i’ve taken one of my faves (not biased at all) of the ‘Sarah’s Sunshine Bench’. Sarah said “I want the sunshine bench to be named after me’, and as it’s perminately in the sunshine i always smile when my Soundscape app calls it out every day on my walk…Now that’s a living legacy, lol! β˜€οΈ 

I just want to say i’m so thankful that even though i’m blind, i can go out walking through God’s beautiful creation, listen to my audio navigation Soundscape app and create beacons, have loving memories of family and friends and capture some photos for you to enjoy around the world…I don’t think i’ll ever get my head around having you guys out there to love, encourage and support me in ways i didn’t even know were possible…Thanks for being a blessing! πŸ™ πŸ˜€ 

A Biblical Blessing:..πŸ™ 

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Let’s ‘FitBlitz’ 2024 Together! πŸ’ͺ🏼

About Steve

✞Follower of Christ, Husband, Guitarist, Drummer, Photographer, Health & Fitness advocate....Oh and i'm also Blind too! πŸ˜€

6 Responses to “Thankful Thursday: 5.02 mile walk πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ¦―”

  1. I’m counting on it!

  2. I’m not sure if I have ever conveyed how inspirational to me you and Sarah are. I have often thought about you two and picked myself up by the bootstraps, given myself a swift kick in the pants, got my rear in gear and got stuff done – lol. And checked my bad attitude at the door and went in and not necessarily had fun, but did something to be productive. Thanks. And I so love that the bench now has Sarah’s name attached to it. That audio app sure sounds, no pun intended – lol, handy.

    I’m not doing well on my walking exercise plan. The weather is already hot here. Not suppose to even get out of the 70’s (20’s celsius) at night for the 10 day forecast. And the humidity is in the 90’s percent wise. It will not cool off until at least October. Blah…..

    Working on motivating myself to get up and move somehow, some other way……I need to get back to turning on You Tube and dance the weight away……lol That actually is fun.

    • Awww your message was so sweet i just had to show it to Sarah. Yes Sarah is well pleased that i named that sunshine bench after her, and that it makes me smile every time i walk past it. ❀️

      The temperature sounds horrific especially for walking outside, so sorry to hear you’re struggling on the walking front but that dance video sounds like fun…Well if there was air conditioning, lol. 🀣

      I still never see myself as inspirational, especially when i’m trying to use every excuse not to go out the door for my walk! πŸ˜€

      • You certainly are inspirational. Good News: It wasn’t bad outside and there was a nice breeze, so about 10pm I got my butt outside and did a few laps. πŸ‘πŸ‘‹

  3. I love your attitude, your gratitude, and your hopefulness, even in the midst of the challenges you face without clear vision. You see things the rest of us miss. And so you know, there are a gazillion places in Florida to see and do–the Wetlands, the beach (both coasts!), national parks, and just local places that are a hoot and a holler. I’d love to spend time with you two and introduce you to some of my family!

    • Awww thanks so much Dayle for the beautiful words. Florida sounds amazing! I showed Sarah your comment last night and she couldn’t believe your generosity. We’d love to see all of those places (i know that’s not possible but we can dream, lol) and meeting your family would be a blessing (for us, probably not for them, lol). πŸ˜€

      All we can think about at the moment is Florida and my 50th next year, i hope we can turn this dream into a reality! πŸ™ πŸ˜€

What's on your mind? Leave a comment below! πŸ˜€

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