Yay, It’s My Birthday: Can You help me reach my fundraising target?! ❤️

Hi WordPress Family…

The blindman is off the side lines again…… and while God gives me the strength in my legs. I’ll use them for doing crazy fundraising challenges to help others. 

After struggling last year to complete the one million step challenge I vowed never to do another .… until now….  And as usual, I’ve gone over the top and decided to take it up a gear.

For the last 20 years, since meeting my ‘T1D Warrior Wife Sarah’, I’ve wanted to be a ‘Sarah’s Walking Warrior’ and raise money to help fight diabetes.

So here’s the 6th #BlindSteve fundraising challenge…

My challenge is to attempt to walk 1.7 million steps between 01 July and 30 Sept 24. This distance equates to walking from Land’s End to John O’ Groats in three months! 😨 

I’m doing this to support my wife and the 5 million people in the UK who live with diabetes, day in day out. Can you help me do this, by making a donation so that we can fight diabetes together.

Diabetes UK are on a mission to create a world where diabetes can do no harm by funding vital research into life-changing treatments and providing support to help people to live better with diabetes. But they need our help. No matter how much you can give, it will make a difference. So please donate today to give me the determination and drive to get through this in one piece.

Donate Here

About Steve

✞Follower of Christ, Husband, Guitarist, Drummer, Photographer, Health & Fitness advocate....Oh and i'm also Blind too! 😀

One Response to “Yay, It’s My Birthday: Can You help me reach my fundraising target?! ❤️”

  1. Happy birthday, Steve! God bless and many happy returns! May He richly supply you with all you need and more! May He bless you with success in the desire He places in your heart and give you great health and fitness for the tasks ahead!

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