Yay It’s My Birthday! ☕️🍔🎶😀

A portrait of me holding a small glass cup of Coffee

Hi WordPress family! As it’s my birthday today…I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to raise a coffee and take a little time to thank you for your continued love, encouragement, inspiration and fantastic comments between all of you on this blog.

I’m sure you’re dying to find out what my fave coffee is by now, lol…my fave is a double Espresso or a Cappuccino! What about you? 

I always talk to Sarah about all of you guys and how amazing it is to have  this blog read and commented on from all around the world. But i’d love to know which country/state etc to put to your faces? I have a flag counter in the bottom right of this blog and it says i’ve reached 192 countries, but i have no idea where most of my fave bloggers are from?

So what i’m trying to say is…As my birthday gift could you please comment below with your country and fave coffee etc? It would be a fantastic present for me…I’ll make another coffee here in Surrey, England, UK and look forwards to seeing you guys! 😀 

About Steve

✞Follower of Christ, Husband, Guitarist, Drummer, Photographer, Health & Fitness advocate....Oh and i'm also Blind too! 😀

74 Responses to “Yay It’s My Birthday! ☕️🍔🎶😀”

  1. Happy Birthday Steve!! Cheers from NJ, USA!! My favorite coffee is blended with a teaspoon of coconut oil and a teaspoon of raw cacao powder, sometimes with a dash of cinnamon! I dedicated my morning cup to you today!!

    • Yay…Maryanne has joined the birthday lockdown global party! 😀

      Wow New Jersey, another fantastic map pin for my party! There are already a few from USA mingling around here…I think you’ll find them near the caramel, lol! 😀

      Mmm coconut. Thanks so much for taking time out for my birthday, it’s great to see you here.

      Hope you’re staying safe & well? 🙏🏻

  2. Happy B-day Steve- Today is also my half bio brothers B-day ( I am adopted found them 30+ years ago) My favorite coffee used to be Leap Knot Swumi- My husband still loves that- Leap Knot is owned by good friend of ours. I don’t drink coffee any longer, MTHFR, and what it brings suggests not to. I found my explosive angry tantrums have disappeared with my lack of coffee– My husband likes that. I drink tea now. Old Barrel black tea w/coconut and Macha is my favorite- OR Vanilla macaroon Teva.–Oh and I am West Texas , Permian Basin oil country to be specific.

    • Hey Christy! Wow Texas has joined the party!😀

      Thank you so much for the birthday message, and it’s great i can share my day with your half/bi brother.

      I’ve never heard of coffee making someone angry, but that’s because i always have one late at night and it makes me sleep, lol! 😀 I agree your husband is very happy you no longer drink coffee and hulk out on him!

      Thanks again for joining my little birthday party, it’s great to meet you here.

      Hope you’re staying safe and well? 🙏🏻

  3. Happy birthday! We are from Corvallis, Oregon, USA. Unfortunately, coffee gives me migraines so my favorite drink is a proper Manchester, UK “brew”. We have friends from there and they introduced us to this lovely beverage. (Yes, it has to be PG Tips!)

    • Wow…Hope has joined the party! 😀

      No way…You drink our tea, that’s really cool Sarah is from Yorkshire, so we only have Yorkshire tea, lol. Nice to think of you drinking an English brew!

      Thanks for visiting all the way from Oregon, this is the best(and only) world party i’ve been to, it’s fantastic!

      Hope you’re staying safe and well? 🙏🏻

  4. Heyyyaaa! Happy Birthday!! I hope you enjoy your day! May God continually bless you for the good work you’re doing!
    Well, I’m live in Ghana so we’re quite on the same timezone I suppose.

  5. StainedbytheSpirit Reply April 15, 2020 at 12:15

    Hey There Steve! Have a wonderful Birthday! I am in Newfoundland Canada! Myself and husband are retired military so we have seen quite a bit of the world but home is home for sure! Hope you have a wondeful day and the LORD does something special just for you today! GOD BLESS!

    • Wow thank you so much for joining us all the way from Canada, that’s another new country for this party! 😀

      I have full respect for the military and i’d like to thank you.

      Hope you’re staying safe & well? 🙏🏻

  6. Happy birthday from Northern Illinois in the USA.

    • Wow…Thanks for joining me on this birthday lockdown party! Another friend all the way from the USA, this is amazing! 😀

      Hope you’re staying safe & well? 🙏🏻

  7. A Very Happy Birthday, Steve! x
    I’m from County Durham. I was brought up in Glasgow though.
    I mostly drink tea, but I like my coffee with a touch milk in it. I think that’s Americano?

    • Wow…Lesley’s here too! Thank you so much for joining us all on my birthday! 😀

      County Durham is pretty close too, considering how the other friends here are all over the world, lol. I was brought up in Derby(the midlands) so i was always in-between the north and south! Great to hear you’re from Scotland though…I’ve never been to Scotland and i’d love to visit one day.

      Mmm Americano’s are nice too! 😀

      Hope you’re staying safe and well? 🙏🏻

      • I’m very much a hybrid, Steve! I was born in County Durham and stayed there till I was 2 years old when mum, a Glaswegian, got homesick … so the family all moved there. I also lived in Scottish Highlands (near Fort William) for a few years. Then I moved back down to County Durham and live in the actual town of my birth. I’ve gone full circle! As a result, my accent is a bit mixed up. Some people think I’m Irish and others think I’m a Geordie. When I lose my temper, I’m definitely a Glaswegian!

        I have to shield now due to having a pulmonary condition. No going out with the dogs for about a good few weeks. Hubby’s gonna be busy. lol

        Hope you’re all well. Happy Day! x

        • Wow, sounds like quite an adventure! I can hear the Glaswegian accent in my head now, lol! 😀 I have a strong Derby accent, so living in Surrey is quite a culture shock! 😀

          We are doing well thanks and both staying indoors or in the garden…As Sarah is like a sunflower and needs the sun!

          • It’s quite nice up here just now, so I imagine it will probably be warmer and sunnier where you are. I hope it is. 🌞🌼

  8. Happy birthday Steve – up a bit and turn right to Essex. Now a fan of green tea rather than coffee. Go figure! 🙂

    • Yay Pauls here! Thanks for joining my lockdown birthday celebration too!

      I never knew you were that close…Not sure why but i thought you were up in Yorkshire? 😀

      Hope you’re staying safe and well? 🙏🏻

      • I was born in Newcastle and worked my way south over the years. All good here – have been working from home for a few years, so just another day in the office!

        Have a great day – the sun is shining on you!!

        • Wow, that’s similar to Sarah who was born in Northumberland and worked her way down too!

          Sarah also worked 1 or 2 days at home, so doing lockdown was already sorted with her office too. 😀

          Glad to hear you’re doing ok!

  9. Happy Birthday, Steve! God bless you with many more birthdays! It’s Liz from Blue Hawaii, still under lockdown for corona virus, even parks, Waikiki Beach, everywhere shut down to prevent spread of the virus. I like Chai tea once in a while. Enjoy your coffee!

    • Fantastic to see you here Liz…Wow Hawaii, Sarah always talks about wanting to go there! 😀

      Thanks for stopping by and enjoying my lockdown birthday celebration! I bet it feels weird over there under the lockdown? It sounds a little like here but we don’t have the weather so being indoors isn’t so bad, lol. 😀

      Hope you’re staying safe and well? 🙏🏻

  10. Happy Birthday, STEVE! I live in the US (Wisconsin) and love vanilla latte … extra vanilla please … I am originally from Germany (all my family still lives there).

    • What part of Wisconsin? Beloit for me. Nice to know you neighbor:)

    • Hey Heidi thanks for joining this coffee filled celebration, lol! 😀

      Awww i like a Latte, it’s’ a little like a Cappuccino! Also i like vanilla too but not in my coffee, i like it in milkshakes! 😀

      Sarah spent a few years of her childhood in Germany…Do you get to travel over to see your family much?

      Hope you’re staying safe and well? 🙏🏻

      • Makes me think we should have parties a lot more often 🙂 Love mingling with your guests! Thanks for inviting me!!! And the coffee … amazing 🙂

        • Yeah… I try to see my family whenever I can. My hubs and I still have 4 kids (out of 6) at home … Hey, pray for us. My son is suppose to get married in July and German company already booked tickets … well, we hope they can still use them 😦

        • Yeah Heidi this party is fantastic! I’ve never met so many great people..And who are from all over the world, it’s the best birthday gift! Thank you all! 😀

          Definitely would do it again and maybe mingle in another WordPress family members party, lol! ☕️

  11. Happy Birthday, Steve! Celebrating your life! You make a difference. Love your photos and prose.

    I am in the USA in the State of Alaska, in the Interior. I live about 100 miles south of the Arctic Circle. Our town is known for its extremes in temperature. Up to 95 degrees F in the summer although it is usually in the 70’s or 80’s F. In the winter it can get down to -65 F or a little colder. Winter is our main season. It has been snowing much but yesterday warmed up and the snow that has been with us since the first of October is starting to melt. Still have about 4 to 5 feet of the white stuff. Looking forward to the Midnight Sun and light 24 hours a day! I don’t like coffee but I do like peppermint tea and chai tea.

    Birthday Blessings!!!

    • Wow thanks for joining this celebration from way over there! I have just asked Siri to convert Fahrenheit into celsius for us in the UK, lol…And that is beyond freezing! ❄️ Also can’t believe how deep the snow is for you either, wow that’s deep!

      I will stop complaining that it’s cold over here as i’ve never been in freezing temperatures at all, i think i’d have a permanent hot coffee with me at all times, lol! 😀

      Thanks once again and i hope you are staying safe and well? 🙏🏻

      • You are welcome! Yes, staying safe and well. By the way, when we have the really cold weather, -34.44 C or colder, you can throw a boiling cup of water up in the air and everything evaporates and nothing comes down. Frigid air does not hold any moisture. But the cold rain in the UK, can make me colder than arctic air, as long as I have good central heat and many layers of clothing to keep warm. You have to dress for the cold, in order to stay warm. LOL

        • Wow that is amazing what you told me about the cup of water, i din’t know that and would love to try it one day! 😀

          So pleased to hear you are keeping safe and well.

          The cold rain over here can get pretty nasty…Which is why Sarah has(for the past few years) booked a holiday to the Caribbean for our birthdays, lol! ☀️🌴

          • Yes, you could come in the middle of winter or come see our dog sled races, the Northern Lights also known as the Aurora Borealis when they dance across the entire sky, and ice sculptures in early March. Unfortunately due to the Coronavirus everything except the Northern Lights (God does them and they make a sound if you were unable to see them) were cancelled along with a 2 week isolation for anyone flying into Alaska, if the flights were not cancelled. Personally, I prefer the subzero F cold to cold rain as I can stay warmer. But a holiday in the Caribbean or somewhere sunny and warm is always welcome! Stay warm!

            • Wow that sounds amazing and totally different than anything the “Blind Sightseers” have ever experienced! We must definitely try and get over there. The caribbean sun is way too hot for me, so i think all of the snow could be a good challenge for us! 😀

  12. Teacher Camille Reply April 15, 2020 at 01:04

    Mine’s Caramel Machiatto and I’m from the Philippines. 🙂 Happy birthday and God bless you and your family! 😇

    • Wow the Philippines! Thank you so much for joining the celebration from so far away, it’s fantastic! 😀

      It still blows my mind how i can comment on this feed to so many people all around the world…..Thanks for being apart of this. God bless you.

      Hope you’re safe and well over there?

    • Yesssss caramel! yum lol

      • We’re going to run out of caramel at this rate, lol! 😀

        • I used to love Caramel Frappe’s from McDonald’s. I quit drinking my calories though. So no more yumminess (I’m sure that’s a word LOL) for me in that area. But I remember how good it is with the flavoring and crushed ice. Whipped cream and caramel drizzled over the top.

  13. Happy birthday Steve! May the Lord bless you ever so richly! I am from Wisconsin, close to Illinois border. I was born and raised in West Virginia though. As for coffee…anything with caramel LOL. I definitely am a caramel fanatic! It is such a sweet treat, don’t you agree? 🙂

    • Hey Donna, thanks for the birthday blessings and joining the celebration! 😀

      Wow…I’ve never travelled to USA yet. Sarah & i were meant to be in Panama, Columbia and Costa Rica to celebrate our birthdays this week but we had to cancel the holiday due to the lockdown! ☹️

      I’m sorry for saying this….But i love playing “Country Roads” on my guitar and singing “West Virginia etc” 😀 I bet you’ve heard people saying this so many times!!!

      I also love caramel..But not in my coffee. I like my coffee strong and as it comes but i’d have a caramel chocolate bar on the side, lol! 😀

  14. Happy Birthday Steve! Hope you have a good one. Blessings to you.

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